Sustainability at the AJ Retrofit Live
AJ Retrofit Live is committed to the journey to becoming more sustainable. Please find attached our Sustainability Policy here. We will be closely evaluating each event and considering how we can improve in the following areas; energy, transport, water usage, recycling, economic and local environment.
emap Publishing are proud members of isla.
isla is an action-driven network that is working towards accelerating the event industry to a sustainable future. Bringing together expertise from across the entire events sector to give its members confidence, knowledge, and resources needed to deliver sustainable events confidently and consistently. More information about isla can be found here.
The venue
At The Brewery, they are proud of their considered approach to sustainability and the constant steps they make to be eco-friendly and environmentally conscious. It is crucial that individuals and businesses alike make the decision to be more eco-conscious and, in doing so, take vital steps to help safeguard the environment. From energy and water conservation to minimising waste, they explore their approach to sustainability and the many initiatives we have in place. Click here to read more.
Suppliers and collateral
The Architects’ Journal chooses its suppliers with a bias towards those partners who take sustainability seriously. Our event guide programmes and tickets are electronic instead of printed. The signage we use is from Insite Graphics which holds ISO14001 certification. Event signage is all either recyclable, reusable, or is used to provide community power when disposed of – none will go to landfill. All the ink is water-based and much of our signage is moving to carboard-based alternatives, recyclable in generic paper waste collections.
We need to work harder
This section of the website isn’t just dedicated to shouting about how great we are for doing what we should have been doing all along. We need to do better. We would love to hear from you on how you think we could improve. Please email any suggestions to the event manager for this event, or you can take a few moments to complete the post-event survey which will be emailed to you after the ceremony.
Carbon report 2024
The sustainable choices implemented in the planning of the AJ Retrofit Live 2024 have resulted in a total carbon reduction of 9.8 tonnes CO2e . That’s the same carbon emissions as:
- Driving 35,700 miles in a petrol car
- Making 66,250 cups of coffee
- Enough CO2e to fill 73 London buses
Read the full AJ Retrofit Live 2024 carbon report here .